How come I don't see any updates in the online tracking information?

When your parcel leaves our warehouse, you will receive the so-called Track & Trace code. Please be aware that the Track & Trace code becomes active when the parcel reaches the local carrier. Outside The Netherlands this can take up to 5 working days from dispatch. You can track the status at the website of the carrier. You will find the carrier per country and the links to their online tracking tool in the table below.  

The Netherlands PostNL
Belgium PostNL
United Kingdom UPS


Colis Privé
Germany DHL
Austria Austrian Post
Spain SEUR
Italy BRT or GLS
Poland UPS

Don't see any updates in the online tracking information?

When your order gets stuck in transit, or you see no updates in the tracking, it usually means that there is an overload in our courier's network. We understand that this can be very annoying.

We advise you to wait 5 working days. If the order is still in transit after this period, please contact us and we will start an investigation with the courier.

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